Find community, make connections with your peers, and eat dinner at Hillel. Join us for a kosher meat dinner with a vegetarian option. Food. People. Comfort.For the most up to date info please see our social
Challah for Hunger is a group dedicated to doing Tzedakah (charity) through baking and selling Challahs! The current flavors are Chocolate Chip, Cinnamon Sugar, Everything Bagel, and Plain. 100% of the proceeds go to Family Table, one of the largest Jewish Food banks in the Greater Boston Area.Dough 3-4PMBraiding 5-6PMBaking 7-9PMJoin us to bake, make […]
Come hang out with other first-years, enjoy snacks, and watch a movie! See you all there!
Are you hungry? If so, stop by the Campus center to buy delicious Challahs! The current flavors are Chocolate Chip, Cinnamon Sugar, Everything Bagel, and Plain. 100% of the proceeds go to Family Table, one of the largest Jewish Food banks in the Greater Boston Area.
Join Rabbi Brawer Friday mornings for Talmud study. This opportunity is for those who have studied Talmud previously and want to develop their Talmud study skills. We will be studying select passages of Agadah. Coffee & Cake served! For more information contact Naftali, [email protected]
Services and DinnerChallah for Hunger is happy to be co-hosting Challah Extravaganza! Join us for Shabbat to taste all the flavors Challah for Hunger has to offer! To help us accommodate you for dinner please sign up by Wednesday at 10:00am via sms/text: Text HILLEL TO 617 420 7411Shabbat dinner is provided compliments of Hillel. If […]
Join Tufts Hillel on Saturday for Shabbat lunch! No need to pre-register – just show up! All are welcome, we hope to see you there!
Student Leaders, have an event to add?